Tuesday, 30 May 2017

RM Weddings!

We have had quite a few returned missionaries from the Australia Adelaide Mission get 
Married in the last few months.  We celebrate with each one.We testify that being
Sealed in the House of the Lord  is the way to live with your family forever. Making 
And keeping sacred covenants will lead you and your eternal companion to an eternity
Of joy together. We rejoice as you continue to follow Gods Plan of Happiness.   This 
Is the former Sister Reola who is now Sister Luyahan!
 Mr. And Mrs. Elder Togia
Used to be Sister Soh, now Sister Costigan
Sister Lee-Lo, now Sister Whyte!
Mr. And Mrs. Elder Orr
Used to be Sister Kereama, Now Sister Reupena
Mr. And MRs. Elder Litster
Sister Payze is now Sister Mu
Mr. And Mrs. Elder Hartley
Mr. And Mrs. Elder Acker
Mr. And Mrs. Elder Rigby
Mr. And Mrs. Elder Briscoe
Mr. And Mrs. Elder Beard
Former Sister Christie, now Sister Prouting
Mr. And Mrs. Elder Maughn
Mr. And Mrs. Elder Hefa
Mr. And Mrs. Elder Tanner
Mr. And Mrs. Bouche

Mission Presidents Seminar

We had the privilege of flying into this beautiful city, Auckland!  The first time we have
Ever been to New Zealand. It is a gorgeous place and we wished we could have 
Stayed longer. 
The Pacific Area Presidency, 17 Mission Presidents and their wives, New Zealand
MTC PResident and Wife, Medical Advisor, and other Pacific Area members. 

Stayed at the Beautiful Langham Hotel.
Said goodbye to these great friends.  Five couples here with Elder Gifford Nielsen
And his wife who will be completing their service in the Pacific as Mission
Presidents and wives. President and Sister Back, President and Sister Hudson,
President and Sister Layton, Elder and Sister Nielsen, President and Sister Balli
And President and Sister Bize. We have come to love these wonderful people so 
Much and will be eternal friends. We will really miss Elder Nielsen and his lovely wife. 
We have learned so much from them.  They have taught us, supported us and they 
Will be so missed.  We love you all.
Elder Nielsen had them in a huddle!
Dinner atop the Sky Tower Restaurant.
Quite a view!  Incredible experience with Disciples of Christ who live consecrated lives.
Such a blessing to be there.  We came back to Adelaide with our hearts full of 
Gratitude and energized to hasten the work with these wonderful missionaries in this 


New missionaries arriving in the Australia Adelaide Mission!  We are rejoicing!
Sister Starling, Sister Ili, Elder Masten and Elder Hayes.
Sister Ili
Sister Starling
Elder Hayes
Elder Masten
Bright and early the next day these new missionaries and their trainers are ready to go!
A few of the awesome Sister Missionaries in the Australia Adelaide Mission!  the very best!
How grateful we are for these new missionaries and their excellent trainers.  Lets go
Catch the Wave!!

Arrivers Dinner

Elder Lam will be serving in the City and will be trained by Elder Pickett and Elder
Sister Starling will also be serving in the City Zone and her trainers are Sister Maea
And Sister Ormond.
Elder MAsten will be serving in Mildura!  Trainers are Elder Kuru and Elder Radovan!
Sister Totele will be Sister Ili's trainer and they will be serving in Mildura!
Elder Shortland will be training Elder Shum and they will be serving in Darwin!
Elder Taleo and Elder Tigafua are waving to their new companion (skype)they will be 
Training Elder Hayes and they will be serving in Alice Springs!

 Elder Hayes!  Your going to Alice Springs!!!!  Who else gets to serve in the Outback of 
Australia?  Lucky!!!  We are so excited for all of these new missionaries.  We love them!

Monday, 29 May 2017


New missionaries and newly called Trainers gather together for a special dinner and
Testimonies and to find out who will be training whom??Sister Totele, Sister Maea, 
Sister Starling, Sister Ormond and Sister Ili. 
Elder Koch, elder Pickett, Elder Lam and Elder Shum.
Elder Kuru. Elder Radovan, Elder Koch, Elder Pickett, Elder Shortland, Elder Masten 
And Elder Hayes.
Sister Wilson, Sister Sennett, Sister Snell, Sister Gilligan and Sister Rohlfing
Elder Smith, Sister Wilson, Sister Gilligan, Sister Rohlfing, Elder Rohlfing, Elder
Gilligan and Elder Wilson.  These senior missionaries know how to put together a
Fabulous dinner for hungry missionaries!
Elder and Sister Withington always serving everyone.  Great assistants to the President, 
Elder Ruppe and Elder Dietze!  
Anxiously waiting to see who their trainer will be???
Elder Ruppe will conduct and read off the new companionships.  Elder Dietze shared 
A powerful testimony.  Incredible Leaders in every way.  These 2 missionaries give all
They have to the Lord.  We are blessed and humbled to serve with them.