Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Storm in Adelaide

After being on the road we were off to the airport in Alice Springs only to find out
that the biggest storm in 50 years was just hitting Port Augusta and would be in
Adelaide about the time we landed. We have had so many days of rain this year
and someone told us it was the most rainfall recorded in 75 years?  
We were able to take off about 30 minutes late but landed safely in Adelaide just a 
few minutes late.  As we were headed down the escalator the power went out at the
airport. We quickly found our luggage with the help of the generators as they kicked 
on and headed out into a traffic mess all the way home.  Lights were out all over the 
city and the winds were fierce. When we arrived home we had no power and it was cold!
We spent the evening and hours into the early morning checking on all missionaries,
making sure they had flashlights and were all in safe.  Powere resumed at different
times throughout the city.  Ours came on about 4:00am.  This photo shows the
reason for the power outages. 
This is a photo of a pirate ship at Kildas Park.  When our grandchildren were here
we took them to this park and they ran and played on this pirate ship.  We wouldn't 
have let them do this in these winds and high waters. YEs it has been a wet spring
but their is popcorn popping on the apricot trees now and the beautiful Adelaide
roses are beginning to bloom.  I just love the beautiful city.How blessed we are to
be here.

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